
Crane Parts in Manitoba Canada

The province of Manitoba lies in the heart of Canada and is the easternmost member of the so-called Prairie Provinces. The region is characterized by lowland plains and forests broken up by Lake Winnipeg in the interior of the province.

A Critical Source of Materials for Canadian Industry

Manitoba hosts an impressive variety of industries. These range from agriculture utilizing the grasslands to hydroelectric power from Lake Winnipeg.

Of particular interest is the mining industry. Manitoba has reserves of the metals zinc, nickel, and silver, among others. The region also has sizeable deposits of minerals used in electronics and other products, including two thirds of the Earth’s cesium.

Petroleum is also found in Manitoba. While the supply is less than other provinces such as Alberta, it is nonetheless an important part of the region’s economy.

Almost all industries in Manitoba utilize heavy machinery such as cranes to move product and facilitate work.

When Disaster Strikes, Turn to Craneco

Since cranes are such an integral part of industry, having one breakdown can have catastrophic consequences if not dealt with quickly. Craneco Parts and Supply was built with this in mind. Our business is to provide superior quality and speedy deliveries so your business can stay on track.

Craneco Stocks Thousands of Parts

Craneco is proud to have cultivated relationships with major crane manufacturers so we can stock brands you trust with the quality you require. These are just three examples:

  • Lorain. With so many models, it would be easy for one to slip through the cracks. Craneco doesn’t let that happen. Craneco carries parts for an impressive catalog of over 60 Lorain models.
  • Grove. It’s hard to find a site that doesn’t use Grove cranes. We have made it our mission to make it just as hard to find a part we don’t carry. Craneco stocks parts for over 200 Grove cranes.
  • Manitowoc. This manufacturer has a reputation for reliability. With reliability comes age. Craneco knows this and stocks parts for Manitowoc cranes both old and new.

With ten total brands in stock, there’s more where that came from. Whatever your crane model, we have the parts.

Our staff is expertly trained to handle all of these brands and is available to answer all of your questions.

Easy Shipping with Full Transparency

With Craneco’s global shipping network, getting crane parts to Manitoba Canada is no challenge at all.

A broken down crane is painful enough and ordering new parts shouldn’t add salt to the wound. That’s why when you place your order, Craneco provides you with a tracking number. You will always know exactly where your order is and when it’s due to arrive.

When you place an order, Craneco finds your part in our vast inventory and begins the shipping process immediately. If there is any delay, we’ll stay in touch so you never have to wonder where your parts are.

Order Crane Parts in Manitoba Canada

We have made a business of speedy and quality deliveries since 2003. Our experience is evident in the expert handling of our huge inventory. Whether you use your cranes for mining, petroleum extraction, or fabrication, Craneco Parts and Supply has you covered.

Stay ahead of the competition with well-maintained cranes. Contact Craneco now and get a quote on your crane parts.